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Samsung Wants “Pink Gold” for its Phones Because Apple Has “Rose Gold”

But that’s got nothing to do with that Rose Gold iPhone, the company would have us believe

Apple generated a lot of hype when it launched the “Rose Gold” iPhone last year, and then yesterday it extended that color to the new MacBook. Apple enjoys being associated with distinct colors, doesn’t it? Well, now Samsung Electronics wants users to associate the Korean giant with a color as well, and guess what? It’s “Pink Gold.”
It’s not Rose Gold at least; that’s Apple’s domain now. Samsung’s Pink Gold is currently adorned on the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge. The new variants have debuted on the company’s home turf, South Korea, and will be available in select markets soon.
What’s so unique about this Pink Gold and why can’t we simply call it “Pink” or “Baby Pink” (if we wanted to play around with color names)? To quell such questions, Samsung specifically released a statement defending its choice and style.
What Samsung is trying to say is that the color choice came naturally to it, sort of like a divine revelation, and has got nothing to do with that Rose Gold everyone talks about. The company takes its design philosophy seriously; Samsung explained what effect the color has on the user. “A sense of comfort,” “intended to soothe,” and “incorporate a touch of gentleness” are just some of the phrases Samsung uses for the new variant. Looks like an entire expert panel on colors came up with this decision.

The Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge color palette has now extended to five options: Gold Platinum, Silver Titanium, Black Onyx, White Pearl, and now Pink Gold. Samsung did the same with the Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge, when it introduced Emerald Green and Cobalt Blue. The language used to describe the color choices was exactly the same as well. The company wants users to understand that getting one of the Galaxy S7 or S7 Edge color variants is not just about choice; rather, the decision holds deeper meaning and speaks about their personality. If you believe all this and are convinced that Apple’s Rose Gold iPhone had nothing to do with Samsung’s decision, just wait for the phone to become available in your country. Even if you don’t believe Samsung for a second and still want that Pink Gold option, you’ve still just got to wait.

Source: Samsung Newsroom 

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