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European Soccer Apple brings something beautiful

Technically Incorrect: A new ad to celebrate the Euro 2016 European soccer championship, which starts Friday, manages to move. Well, move me at least.

Technically Incorrect offers a slightly twisted take on the tech that's taken over our lives.

Apple UK; YouTube screenshot by Chris Matyszczyk/CNET
These days, Apple's ads are pleasant enough.

You don't talk about them like you used to, though.

Times have changed. Apple has aged. It's not a simple company anymore.
Soccer, though, is simple. It's one of the most elemental sports there is. And Friday sees the start of the Euro 2016 European soccer championship in France.

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This may not matter to you. You might be more interested in the US' fate in the Copa América, currently occurring on these shores.

Apple's UK arm, however, released an ad on Thursday that very simply reminds you how important soccer is to the world. Well, most of the world.


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