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Making Money online with YouTube and Adsense Account 

Many people have no doubt heard about YouTube maybe you have heard about it too but do you know that you can actually make money from YouTube? YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world following its mother search engine to Google. While Google is mostly use to search words and sites YouTube  is use for the search of Videos.

Adsense: Google AdSense is a program run by Google that allows publishers in the Google Network of content sites to serve automatic text, image, video, or interactive media advertisements, that are targeted to site content and audience. This means that you can Set up a YouTube Channel, allow Google to place advertisement on your Video in Your YouTube Channel by Monetizing the Videos.
Google can Pay you Per Click or Per View this means that Google can pay you by the number of people who clicks on the adverts placed on your Video or by the numbers of people who views the adverts in your Video.

Requirements for Setting up a YouTube Channel 
1. A Valid Gmail: You need a valid Gmail address for this is is what you will use to access all your Google accounts.
2. Contents to Upload: This means you must have Videos to upload and your uploads should be on a regular basis or at intervals suitable to you.
Note: Don't upload videos of other users, all videos must be Authentic and be created by You.  The moment YouTube Finds put you are uploading other people's videos your Channel will be dropped and you will loose your partnership with YouTube.
3. Social Media Platforms: Social media Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram  these are the Media with which you can promote your videos to get more people to visit your YouTube Channel.
4. YouTube Channel: Create your own YouTube Channel by visiting the YouTube Channel. 

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